How could I have forgotten to reply to this post. I have a weird confession to make: there was a boxing knockout classic that I watched once on the sport channel, ESPN (if my memory serves me right). In the classic, two pugilist experts - well one really isn\'t much of an expert - were boxing. One was lanky while the other was short and roundlike :lol: . For some reason during the match, the short one decided to rush into the tall one. I guess he\'s gotten enough punishment without return due to his relatively short wingspan. Anyway, the result was a well-placed punch square in the face of the short one. For goodness sake, I laughed myself to stupor because of what happened afterwards. It was like the short man was shocked by a high-voltage electrical outlet...he shook up, turned around, and ran the opposite direction with inconsistent footsteps (just like a baby) before falling flat on the canvas.
Now, I find that scene very funny :twisted: but that brings me to a question: is boxing really okay? I mean it\'s a sport, but is it really okay for one to get into it. I mean imagine that the short man is likely a husband and will the wife and/or kids see this terrifying moment of the man\'s life. :?