Author Topic: Why isn\'t their a post on business?  (Read 7271 times)


  • Posts: 451
Why isn\'t their a post on business?
« on: March 10, 2005, 08:46:24 AM »
Just wanted to ask cuz i\'ve seen alot of replies on other posts like \"ilu igbo\" and \"relationships\" and \"creative story\" etc but i\'ve never seen any story on business section. What happened? Isnt there business initiatives amongs us?
It\'s beautiful to love and be loved.


  • Posts: 220
Why isn\'t their a post on business?
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2005, 05:30:07 AM »
Maybe it takes a post like your to get us all started. I\'m sure there will be more to come.
I have a few up my sleeves
Quality is never an accident; It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, Intelligent direction and skillful execution;
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  • Posts: 451
Why isn\'t their a post on business?
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2005, 05:34:15 AM »
That will be nice. Please let them come. With time as you said all will come to appreciate it.
It\'s beautiful to love and be loved.


  • Posts: 334
Why isn\'t their a post on business?
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2005, 09:45:56 AM »
I read that Bush\'s  method of moving the economy forward, as one of his platforms, was that he wants to reduce the govt involvement in the market prices. He wants to allow businesses, small and big, to setup market prices for the good.  Obviously he would advocate this type of thing not because he\'s a Republican but b/c he was wealthy before becoming president. I was thinking that if he does that, then it will affect the poor consumers. what if the market price of something essential is outrageous, the only people that this will affect will be poor people while providing gains for those businesses. that sucks....
  also given the threat of rising monopolies in certain businesses such as ConEd, and mergers such as Apple computer w/ i think Dell, Home Depot and TJ marts, these will definitely affect people more b/c onces the markt price is set, and there are less alternatives b/c of monopolies, then those that are poor will become more poor and the rich will remain same, thus widens the gap btw the rich n the poor.
 So Do Ya\'ll Support Bush Idea???


  • Posts: 48
Why isn\'t their a post on business?
« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2005, 05:50:10 PM »
we aint got nothing to do with business boy. this aint ariaria Aba.


  • Posts: 217
Why isn\'t their a post on business?
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2005, 08:42:22 AM »
Nice one kenmartins
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