Before going into the matter of Fatherhood and who should be called father, let?s do first things first.
A few posts ago, I wrote something about Catholic behavior, and it appeared a few feathers were ruffled. And right before everyone?s eyes, situations began to deteriorate and fast tended towards childishness. If I write anything not agreeable to any member, there are two options open to that member, comment or not comment. Once a comment is forwarded, that member?s comment is automatically fair game for examination, review, exploration, and rebuttal. However, in the exchange, all participants ought to stay clear of personal attacks, insults, and negative characterization. Agree or disagree with my opinion, your comment is invited and welcome.
Please find hereunder, the portion of my post that angered some folks on the site. If anything therein is untrue, any interested reader has every right to point out the falsehood and provide a truer version. Disputing someone?s opinion or comment without reason, explanation, or correction is an unwarranted exercise. In religious debates, the only support or proof acceptable to me has to come from the bible. Having said that, my question is, what is it in this excerpt that is false or incorrect? I dare you to point it out. I answer to facts, not to people?s imaginations, and conjectures. This is what I wrote.
With the exception of Napoleon, no Catholic I know has ever missed the opportunity to bow or kneel in the presence of the pope. Again that is a reverence only reserved for God. Bowing or kneeling before any creature or creation, in heaven, on the earth, or in the sea, makes the object of our reverence a god. It very clear here:
Deut 5:7-10 \"Thou shalt have none other gods before me. Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me, And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments.
So, by offering God\'s entitlements to a human, Catholics equate that human to God. They can deny it all they want. They can explain it away all they want. The truth will not go away. Their actions speak for them.
Some guy was concerned by the highlighted sentence in the quote. I speak the truth. For ages, all the questions about Catholic beliefs, customs, rituals, and doctrines have met with all sorts of rationalization. The funny thing is: none of the reasons or rationales have biblical support. They have reasons for casting aside God?s command of ?Remember the Sabbath to keep it holy,? in favor of the Sunday observance. Rationales abound why they believe that the resurrection was a Sunday sunrise event. There is no lack of explanation when asked why Catholics sprinkle water at baptism, in rejection if bible supported total emersion. The list is endless. There?s no amount of explaining or reasoning that is capable of mitigating the truth. It can?t be replaced, it can?t be ignored, and it can?t be watered down. By the immortal words of Johnny Cochran, \"If it doesn\'t fit, you must acquit,\" I say to you also,
if it\'s not in the bible, you must reject.I don?t write out of emotion. I write out of conviction, conviction in the truth of the bible. I said this and I will say it again, Catholics equate human to God by offering God\'s entitlements to a human. I do have my reasons for saying that. I will support my reasons, from bible pages, when I deal with the father issue. Also to be addressed is the Yoruba and Igbo tradition of genuflecting and or postulating.