Since you have said you are a Christain, \"born again\", tongue speaking ( i dont want to get into that speaking in tongues issue now because lots of people speak in tongues and can not explain what they spoke if asked to), i want to believe you. I am not here to condemn you, but to stand for the truth. I am also not here to show how much bible qoutations i can leash out at a time.
You wrote
From information i got by attending Bible Seminars and studying Geology, i think i can co-relate Darwins theories with the creation story as recorded in the Bible
As a \"born again Christain, i did not expect you to co-relate the knowledge of man in any manner to the supremacy of Gods wisdom in Creation. Especially, the man who came up with a theory that have moved many souls from the truth of God. Remember, non can serve God and mamon at the same time, you can only serve the one and hate the other.
You wrote
According to Bible scholars, they were \'beings\' on earth b4 Adam( Pre-Adamic men is the term they gave to these beings) .These beings according to them were corrupted by the devil as he tried to insubordinate God.God then decided to create \'fresh\' men hence the phrase, \'\'...let us now make man in our image and likeness...\'\'.According to them, the 1st and 2nd verse of the 1st chapter of the book of Genesis are seperated by millions of years.
As a born again Christain, your statement ; \"According to\" only implies your views were drawn from the research and discovery of these \"Men\". People who have come up with lies that go against Christ whom you follow. The same LORD who said that any one who will teach any thing different from what is in the book will have his name blotted out of the book of life. AS CHRISTAINS, WE SHOULD NOT COMPROMISE THE WORDS OF GOD WITH THE WORDS OF MEN.
You wrote
During this period i believe God must have \'destroyed\' the former earth and i also believe it was during this \'destruction\' that the continents were formed from the break up of the former earth which i was told was once 1 entity.
Underline \"I believe\", this is what you wrote proving you have accepted their views. Your last statement in the above quote \"...which i was told..\" implies you were fed by a source and from your conclusions, your source was not the bible but what \"educated men of God, theologians\" came up with after drawing their own conclusions, not what the bible said. Tell me now, after God destroyed the Pre- Ademic men, and continents arose with different languages, how come their languages became one again so that God had to scatter them again at the Tower of Babel? Does that mean every one returned to speaking one language and living together? This shows the shallowness of the theories of these \"theologians and earthly scholars.
You wrote
The so called pre-Adamic men were wiped out and Bible scholars believe their souls make-up the beings we know as \'demons\' today.
I dont have to talk about that, it\'s just not concievable at all.
You wrote
As 1 someone pointed out earlier, man has only being here 4 not more than a few thousand years but the earth\'s age has being calculated from radiocarbon dating to be about 6 billion years!
What is radiocarbon dating and how accurate is that? God is perfect. Scientists work with trial and error. What has radiocarbon dating got to do with the timing of God?
So i believe whatever Darwin and other scientists have being discovering must be the remains of the so-called pre-Adamic men.
only means you fully agree with them. If you have agreed to the level of believing, that proves conviction to Darwins theory and those scholars. While you may have your own way of understanding, i do not believe that having a PHD in divinity or theology makes you a man of God. I took religious classes and 99.9999 percent of what i was taught was contrary to God\'s word, the Bible. That is the same studies these men recieve. Except they be thought by Christ through the Holy Spirit, they will not differentiate between light and darkness. All true Christains know that the devil has made them look alike in our world today so that when you deviate you dont recognize and reconstruct.
What is Geology? Is it in concordance with Gods word? Therefore learn that which will help you and understand those polluted by the devil.
I am not here to discredit your knowledge of the bible. Never said i was perfect. You just mentioned you dont always quote exactly what the bible said. Same with me. I dont challenge your understanding of Subdue and replenish. I read the bible and ask God to teach me. While i may look into concordance, the wisdom of God surpasses them all and i try not to be blind to their errors. I dont know who dake is?
I never met Darwin.I don\'t know and may not share his convictions and idiosynchrasies but i was only positing that the guy may have being doing his own share of \'suduing and having dominion\' by trying to explain his baffling discoveries (and indeed there were discoveries; the guy worked with facts and figures).
As a christain, i dont expect you \"may not\" but that you firmly take a stand on the truth. You think he worked with facts, that is very right. Remember fact is not truth. Something can be a fact but is not the truth. Christains work with Truth, not facts. \"The time is come and now is when the true worshippers of God shall worship him in truth and in spirit. Christ is the truth, not fact.
I will stop here but not before i point this out. You wrote
I really don\'t know how to end this except to say that i heard about pre-Adamic men, my simple mind thought it a possibility (it doesn\'t make me any less a xtian, i still believe and have cofessed with my mouth that christ is lord and that God raised him up bodily after 3 days of death and these 2 processes i was told in Romans10:10 are the only requisite to being saved) and placing it side-by-side to what i learnt in Geology, i tried to arrive at my own conclusions . I really don\'t know how to end this except to say that i heard about pre-Adamic men, my simple mind thought it a possibility (it doesn\'t make me any less a xtian, i still believe and have cofessed with my mouth that christ is lord and that God raised him up bodily after 3 days of death and these 2 processes i was told in Romans10:10 are the only requisite to being saved) and placing it side-by-side to what i learnt in Geology, i tried to arrive at my own conclusions .
God forbide that i think you to be any less christain. Who am i to judge you? You heard about the pre ademic and your simple mind. ..As a fellow christain, i suggest that you watch what the mind comes up with. The devil is able to manipulate even the hearts of the chosen ones IF THEY LET THEIR GAURDs DOWN. Just for the reords, believeing in Christ and his resurrection and all that, is not the only prerequisite to being saved. Lots of drug dealers, murderers, liers, wicked men and women believe Christ is the son of God etc, better yet, they believe they are Christains. That doesnt gaurantee us heaven. Heaven is gauranteed when we take up our Cross and walk the walks of Jesus every day of our lifes until his return, not just believing, for even the devils believe and tremble.
Finally you said \"placing it side by side with what you learned in GEOLOGY, you TRIED to arrive at YOUR OWN CONCLUSION\". Your conclusions and my conclusions are not the conclusion of God. The bible says that he that think he stands should take heed lest he fall. The devil is watching us christains to make us draw up conclusion masked under deceit but portrayed as the choice of God. All i have written, i have written not to condemn you but to make you see things from a different light (only the world of God) free from the adultrations of men, no matter their earthly caliber or name. God bless you as you read his word and make known his wisdom to us all.