Author Topic: Pope, Unable to Speak: Time To Step Down? Your View.  (Read 30103 times)


  • Posts: 217
Pope, Unable to Speak: Time To Step Down? Your View.
« Reply #75 on: April 05, 2005, 09:06:28 AM »
Hbunnie if we start sending personal messages then what is the fun and enlightenment in the whole thing. Why do we call urselves adults.Its just that both parties need to be matured enough not to engage in personal or confrontational remarks. Enough is enough biko nu
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Pope, Unable to Speak: Time To Step Down? Your View.
« Reply #76 on: April 05, 2005, 03:36:15 PM »
HEY PEOPLE!!! Jeez... is dis what its like when there\'s a misunderstanding around here? There are better ways of handling this sort of \'yawa\' (trouble) and dat is to simply to respect each others beliefs.
talks like this always elicit the same reaction...... \'rancour\' and dat is bcos each party is bent on proving a point. sending personal messages would take d battle to anoda level and dat is not advisable.
i implore u gladiators to put an end to dis endless feud, we r not gaining anything from d debate(which i\'m sure was d intent of d initiator).i am a Catholic,i\'ve been faced with a number of these debates and still remain one.the reason is dat what is most attacked about d doctrines is secondary to d whole essence of religion.....which is seeking salvation.
if u r so concerned about d doctrines and dogma of d catholics,why don\'t u pray for them?
 .... preach the gospel at all times but only when necessary use words...(i think it was Mother Teresa\'s words)
The world is dangerous not because of those who do harm, but because of those who look at it without doing anything -Albert Einstein


  • Posts: 714
Pope, Unable to Speak: Time To Step Down? Your View.
« Reply #77 on: April 07, 2005, 08:53:50 PM »
Apparently it is possible for a Pope to resign, because the Pope had considered resigning back in 2000...

Quote from: \"MSNBC News\"
In last testament, pope weighed resigning[/b][/color]
Document released; police reopen public line to view body[/color]
The Associated Press
Updated: 11:19 a.m. ET April 7, 2005

VATICAN CITY - Pope John Paul II suggested in his last testament that he considered the possibility of resigning in 2000, when the Roman Catholic Church began its new millennium and he turned 80, according to the document released Thursday.

The Polish-born pope, who died Saturday at the age of 84, also had considered the possibility of a funeral in Poland, but later left the decision up to the College of Cardinals, which decided to have him buried under St. Peter?s Basilica on Friday after a funeral in the square.

Writing in 2000, the pope, who suffered from Parkinson?s disease and crippling hip and knee ailments, suggested the time was one of apparent torment for him, mentioning the 1981 attempt on his life. He called his survival a ?miracle.?

He said he hoped the Lord ?would help me to recognize how long I must continue this service to which he called me the day of 16 October, 1978.?

He also prayed at the time that he would have the ?necessary strength? to continue his mission as long as he was serving as pope.

I think this probably the most loved Pope that I know of, I was watching a TV show on his life, and I was sooooo moved. The man who had attacked him in 1981 even attempted to be allowed to go to the Poppe\'s funeral from jail, but was refused.


  • Posts: 220
Pope, Unable to Speak: Time To Step Down? Your View.
« Reply #78 on: April 07, 2005, 08:56:32 PM »
I thought they should have let him attend the funeral.
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