THIS POEM DISCRIBES ME, WHERE AM FROM AND WHO I AM. first am 6 ft 10 inches tall, brown eyes, row on dread locks, nick name is J.U.-ICE.
i wrote this in 1995 in moscow, Russia
My name is Africa
Africa is what they call me
I got this name cause am old fashion
Call me Africa cause jungle is where i call home
When you think of me
Think of grass land where all land animal use me as a host
I am very beautiful cause am natural
The trees, sand ocean, mountains etc. these are the things that makes who I am
Africa is what they call me
If i should pick a different name i would pick black
Because its what describes me the most
Today the world think that black is dirty, evil, darkness, bottom pit etc.
But black is beautiful
My name is Africa, I am black and am beautiful
I was black because I was born into a place that was dark
Where life is what you make it
Black is a color that matches any color but dose not discriminate
You can call me black because am beautiful
But my name is Africa I prefere
Because that is where I was
Before I got shot with civilization
My name is African
Africa is what they call me
I am not eloquent
Usually sad and lonely
I was told that I was very rich in mineral resouces
I was told that am very strong but could not fight for myself
I was betrayed and taken for slavery
You can see why my name is not called America nor england
I am Africa
The onlucky one
But very fortunate
Am black but has a light that shines in the darkness
My name is Africa